Sunday, May 12, 2013

The Color Run

 Also known as the most colorful Mother's Day Ever!

We started our day with roughly 7500 other people - and despite my lack of energy, they all had a ton! 
Today the kids and I were happy spectators at the Color Run. Hubby ran with a team from work and we watched, had a snack and took pictures.  
I am not sure who had the better end of deal, as he got to experience the crazy fun that is the Color Run. But then I got to enjoy a mocha while he was running... so maybe I got the better end ;)

the Finish Line before the race started - I figured it would be easier to take a picture of it beforehand. 
runner and walkers heading to the starting line  
queuing up to start
And they are off... car led the way. With young runners close behind
We have a birds eye view from the sky bridge that goes over the race road.
the guy in green is a photographer.... look for him in the next picture
Crazy dude!  He did this with each wave... it was soo fun to watch. 
watching and waiting 
Is Dad coming?!
While the area was practically empty we hit Starbucks and had a little snack. Then found a spot to watch the people come back... we landed down the path from the finish line and sat for a spell. 

watching..... and looking for the most colorful people 
found some!
Here comes our guy!

sporting just enough color to prove he was there
Playing with her own color pack! She waited forever to do this. 

We didn't stay for the crazy loud (and of course COLORFUL) after party. But we had fun. 

The color is made from cornstarch and coloring and colors are sprayed on runners along the route. Each runner gets a bag of color and they sell it. 
Because of all the kids we saw running and walking our sweet girl decided she wants to do this with Dad next year. So we may be back :)

P.S. We looked at the pictures posted from today's event on our local news website. Most of them being from the after party, which we didn't attend. It looks totally crazy. This wasn't our experience with the main run. Hubby says the photos from the actual run were what he experienced. But how colorful you get has a fair amount to do with how close you run by the people spraying the color.
We saw very few people finishing the race who were completely covered, but the after party is all about getting covered in color. Just in case you see pictures online and wonder how we managed to walk away looking mostly normal :) 

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