Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Day 12 - It's still the Magic Kingdom, even in the rain

I took no pictures today - sorry. I carried the camera around all day, but somehow forgot to use it.
Call it "Vacation Brain".

Anyway, Today we are heading back to the Magic Kingdom. And the best way to get there from an on property resort - the bus! You get closer to the front gate this way and from OKW you have no additional stops, so it's pretty quick.
Our plan was to grab fast passes for Peter Pan's Flight and then go hit Dumbo, but Peter was down :( so no fast passes. But Dumbo was up and flying so off we go. With two rides and low crowds we were on in no time.
We hit a number of rides after Dumbo and there is some fun to the story of it all, but the highlights are the little lady who was crying in line for the Barnstormer came off the ride laughing and yelling "It was Awesome!!"
She kind of owed her brother this ride. He went on the Ariel ride for her (not something he was happy about) and then it broke down 3 times... more than 10 mins in all. So the agreement was she needed to ride a ride for him if he rode one for her.... And despite her best effort, she loved it.

With her new found love of Goofy's Barnstomer, I went to get more fast passes for later while the kids and Hubby ran over to ride Pooh.
Next up was Small World and the big surprise when we got off the ride was RAIN... big tropical style rain. Take no prisoners, everyone gets drenched, welcome to hurricane season rain. Our boy and I ran through the instant puddles to shelter and Hubby and the lady hit the carousel.
Finding shelter in Fantasyland was more challenging that I would have thought. Only a few storefronts were willing to let people loiter.... and ride exits were fairly insistant that you move on. We ran back out into the wet and picked up Peter Pan fastpasses then gave in and bought the whole clan the offical summer Disney World uniform... a clear plastic poncho with mickey on the back.
Ok, Rain! Bring it!
And it had pretty much stopped at this point.... fine, be that way. But now we are ready for ya.

So back to the barnstormer we head - and it's closed.... not due to the rain, but for a tech issue or something. But apparently our fast passes could be used later due to the closure... cool.
Since we were right by the train station we hopped on board, and took the ride around to Frontierland. We had lunch reservations at Liberty Tree Tavern, this would get us closer.
Liberty Tree is one of my favorite MK restaurants... and only 70% of the reason is the Ooey Gooey Toffee Cake.... ooey goodness!
After lunch the history loving boy and I went to the hall of the Presidents, while Hubby and our newly brave lady, went to see about some Pirates. The rest of our time in the park we were in two groups... we swapped kids and went on a few more attractions. The lady and I did a bit of shopping on our way out and then headed back to the room for a break. The boys did a few more things and followed us.
After a break we decided on Downtown Disney for dinner. Parking was hard to find, but a table at Earl of Sandwich was not. After some eating, some shopping and our first trip to Goofy's Candy Co. we called it a day and headed "home" for bed.
Tomorrow, Epcot and LaNouba!

On a side note: It's been in the upper 80s/ low 90s with high humidity. So we are all dressing for coolness and comfort. For me a big part of that is what I do with my hair, as it responds badly to 90% humidity. I have recently discovered the "Sock Bun". I love this and it is now my go-to hair style for parks in the summer!
lovin it! And it stays all day... even on Test Track!
It takes no pins, only a hair tie and a sock bun form. I started making it with a sock, but have upgraded to a bun form. Either works great. Just had to share.

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