Saturday, June 28, 2014

Just like in the pictures

Our first morning at the cabin and it's just like it looks in the pictures.
The cabin comes with breakfast: waffle mix, waffle iron and syrup are provided. Oh, and of course coffee!

Little Lady lazing on the couch

We enjoyed a lazy morning, with family on the way to join us.
They arrived in time for lunch and a short hike before the rain hit.
Our cabin is very close to one of the entrances to the national park... From the main drag near us, you can see the Mt. Rainier sign. And our hike was one of the closer options: Trail of the Shadows. We parked near Longmire and walked to the trailhead. This loop was under a mile and very scenic.

Mt. Rainier National Park 

Hubby checking to see if the hot springs are hot... Nope!

girls standing my one of the old springs

We had planned to hit another trail about the same length afterwards, but the rain sent us back to the cabin instead.  
Dinner was yummy. We enjoyed hanging out and my little lady and I shared our new hobby with the cousins - finger knitting.
Our smores were almost rained out, but a few braved the rain and a few of us utilized the gas stove.... Gooey smores were enjoyed by all.
The cabin sleeps 10 and we are a group of 9 this evening, with every bed full.

I know there is a comment to make about it being "just right", but I'm not feeling that clever right now. I will give it a shot later.

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