Thursday, December 29, 2016

Holiday Travels....road eats - Day 3 & 4

Day 3 and 4 were mainly family time in one general location, but as we are focusing on food - I am posting them as one post. And then back to separate posts when we hit the road again. 

Day 3
Breakfast is at our hotel, with a stop at Starbucks as we drive to the family for the day.

Christmas is over people. The red cups are gone. (so is the caramel burlee latte)

For lunch we all ventured out to shop and go to Rubio's where we enjoyed some tasty Mexican food and I took absolutely no pictures :( Even though it crossed my mind more than once as I ate my burrito. Go figure.

For dinner we cooked, which was fun and its always nice to get a break from all the eating out.

Day 4
More breaking our own rules today....
We start with all breakfasting at Starbucks.
And then after we got into a fun craft, we took a break to let some paint dry and hit Togo's for lunch.
Ah, Togo's. My favorite sandwich place. Its been YEARS since I have had a Togo's sandwich and it was exactly as I remembered.

Her first Togo's sandwich....ever!
Not sure its all I have told him it would be ;)

A side note about our craft for the day. Our dear daughter and her dad found a cool painted rock in a park on Christmas Day. It had a label on it from the group that did it (Look up your city name and "Rocks" on Facebook to see if you have a group near you). They found out it's a community project. People paint rocks and hide them around town. When you find one you can re-hide it, or keep it and replace it with your own painted rock. So today we painted rocks, so we could keep the Christmas one she found.

For dinner we broke our rule again. The family suggested Panera and the kids jumped at the idea. It was a place we can find at home, but it worked :)

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