Thursday, August 30, 2018

Europe - Day 3

Guten Morgen!

We enjoyed a morning with no alarms today. Our room comes with a breakfast buffet downstairs. I had another chance to master the fancy German coffee maker. I ended up with a espresso to start, add a little cream and sugar and I am set. And for you coffee connoisseurs, it was a good shot, not bitter at all - color me caffeinated.
After breakfast we donned swimsuits and returned to the water. Well, in shifts - our young man needed a bit quieter of a day so he and I took our time getting to the pools.

A bit more about the place we are staying. I think it's considered the largest thermal spa facility period. It's massive, I'll try to add a photo of the map.

 [Editor's note: Here is a picture of the fold-out map from the brochure (you may want to click on it to see it a bit larger:
Do you see that pool over on the far right? That's the wave pool that's pictured below to give you a sense of the scale. Oh, and that upside-down L-shaped tan area to the right of the wave pool? That's the hotel.]

 Our room has a view (through the palm trees) of the wave pool. We are staying in the Hotel Victory which is ship/boat themed.

View from Room

Ok, these bunk beds are really cool! 

The facility is also open to day guests so many locals come for the day - today's hours are 9 am to 11 pm... Yup, 11! 

Areas within the facility are keyed and everyone gets a wristband which is your key. The hotel guests bands are fancier still as they are also room keys and room charge (sound like a Disney magicband?)

The hallway that our room is on changes color.... started out a soft peachy when we checked in last night.

Was more of an amber when we went to bed. This morning at breakfast it was green and now its purply blue -blurple, if you will.  Also the elevator is either cool or will freak you out.....

Our room has some cool features: the thermostat is fancy touch screen.

Morning today included watersides for the brave among us... apparently even the ones that look mellow pack a punch (or a blanket of freezing cold water) to keep you alert. Eeks! [Editor's note: On the slide called "Wild River" which looks super slow and calm until you ride it, there is a portion that has a curtain of dripping water that is literally the temperature of ice water. It was surprisingly cold each of the half-dozen or so times we went on it...]
We found the big loungers in the hotel guest area and have set up a home base for the day. We connected for a little wave pool time and exploring the outside pools before lunch.

the wave pool from our lounger
Lunches have been a bit all over the place for us on this trip. Today we got lunch here at various food stands, pizza for some, pasta for others and crepes were in the mix to. 
After an appropriate rest, back to the water. Slides and pools! We took a break late afternoon and I got to see some of the Sauna area and pools they have for adults. That area was more relaxing than the main pools and slides. Then we decided to get dressed in clothes that were not swimsuits and go to dinner. 
We went back to where we had breakfast. And a mellow table service dinner was just what we needed after all the stimulation from the day.

fun architecture at the restaurant
I have to say I am somewhat surprised at the number of people who assume we are from Germany. I guess I thought we had Americans written all over us. But apparently no. Hubby had been learning German on and off for a few years and can read it well. [Editor's note: "well" is overstating it. "well enough to get the gist" is probably more accurate.] He doesn't get to practice speaking much, so this has given him that chance. The kids and I are thankful for his knowledge. it has come in handy the last few days especially! I am learning to say, "I don't speak German", for those times when a 7 year old is trying to tell you how to operate the gate at the water park and I have no idea what this sweet little girl it saying - true story. [Editor's note: "Ich spreche kein Deutsch"] So far I have got "no German" ["kein Deutsch"]... Which will do in a pinch, but doesn't feel very polite. I suppose just talking in English will get the same point across, but we are trying. 
Dinner was tasty... I had a really good veggie burger! Huge Patty and very tasty.

After another break the kids and hubby hit the slides and two pools. We all need a break from wet swimsuits, though some are less likely to admit it. 
Kids and I are getting ready for bed while hubby hits the sauna. Heat is not my thing, but if you like it, I am told it's quite relaxing. [Editor's note: Apparently 185°F it too hot for some people. Go figure...]

Auf Wiedersehen!

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