Thursday, May 17, 2018

West Coast, by Land and Sea - Day 5

Day at Sea.... ah, Relax time.

I was a planner and booked a "Fire and Ice Pedicure" for this morning several months ahead. So I knew my feet would get a little pampering after our days walking in the parks.
I got up and got ready enough to eat and get to the spa... the kids tagged along for breakfast then went back to the room to check on Hubby who was sound asleep when we left.

[Editor's note: This photo is from a nap later in the day...]
They hung out in the room while Dad woke up and got ready for the day.. but I was blissfully unaware of this. My pedicure chair had an amazing view of the pacific ocean.

Once my feet had been pampered I tracked down the family. Hubby and I had midday brunch reservations at Palo. We have decided over the handful of cruises that we enjoy Palo, but prefer the Brunch to the Dinner. Plus it means we still get to eat dinner with the kids.

In the meantime the kids went to the clubs and relaxed in the room...respectfully ;)
After an amazing meal (we may or may not have stuffed ourselves silly [Editor's note: Some of us were smart enough to sleep through breakfast.]), we had a relaxing afternoon. I was able to paint my nails... no not the toes.. that was already taken care of. And work on the blog.
Hubby was able to attend an afternoon comedy show.
Late afternoon our young lady had an appointment at Pirate League to turn her into a Pirate for Pirate Night. (When was the last time you used Pirate three times in one sentence?)

The Pirate Princess has arrived. 
We enjoyed dinner and the Michael Harrison show was fun. He is a great performer.
We followed the show with the Pirate Deck party. Our pirate princess was involved in the party with her group from the club.
After the deck party fun, we were treated to a late night buffet... 'cause who doesn't want crepes and baked potatoes at 11 at night?

To say this was a late night would be on over statement. But nights tend to be later for us on the cruise... so to be truthful.. the crepes helped ;)

A note on our Stateroom.... we always book rooms on the starboard side of the ship... it started by accident and now it's tradition, and you know what they say about tradition? Don't break it ;)
But this cruise we decided to skip the balcony and go for a porthole room as you may have noticed from the pictures. We also decided to go down a few floors and settled quite comfortably forward deck 2. Our first surprise was our stateroom host... it was Jhe (Jay) from our Alaska cruise last summer! He recognized us right away... maybe his paperwork had told him? It was fun to see him again and he already knew our kiddos which was nice.  I really enjoyed being on deck 2... we never NEVER had to wait for a second elevator because the first one was full. And I also really liked being forward - who knew?!

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