Thursday, October 18, 2018

Colorado for the weekend!

Hubby spent the bulk of the week in the Denver/Boulder area for work, so we decided to join him for the tail end and make a long weekend out of it.

The kids and I flew into Denver this afternoon and hubby picked us up. It was cool to see a bit more of the Denver Airport, we have had a handful of layovers in Denver over the years, but today we got to see baggage claim! Already it's a trip of firsts ;)
Ok, sarcasm over, I promise.

From the airport we headed toward Boulder. Our residence for our mini Colorado adventure is actually in Broomfield. The first thing I was struck by was the landscape. I think I have always assumed this area would have a similar feel to the northwest, but it feels a lot more like Albuquerque to me - high dessert, and HUGE sky.

We more or less missed lunch so an early dinner was our only real plan for today. We hit the local CPK for a familiar meal. The restaurant was hosting the local police department and their fundraiser for the Special Olympics. We had a really nice conversation with a few of the officers about it and after our meal our young lady got a tour of one of the squad cars. The officer who talked with her was wonderful. It was a real treat.

Tour of the police vehicle.
They carry a lot of stuff!

After dinner, we picked up a few items and returned to the room to relax. Looking forward to getting out and exploring Colorado tomorrow.

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