Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Orlando 2019 - Dorian, Is that you?

I mentioned the quip that says... waiting for a hurricane is like being stalked by a turtle. This last week, it that really rung true to us.

But we have been told today is the day!
It was announced that all Disney parks would be closing early (2 or 3 pm, depending on the park) and we were encouraged by the resort to eat at the parks before returning to the hotel.

All forecasts still indicated Dorian wasn't coming to Orlando directly. But his entourage of wind and rain would stop by to mix things up.

So we hit Epcot, which was our plan for the day. We used all our fast passes even though the crowds were pretty light. The sky was blue with big fluffy clouds but it was still HOT. Midday brought a bit more wind.
We enjoyed a handful of attractions and wandered to the Italy pavilion for lunch at Via Napoli. A table service option we have never done before. They are known to have some amusing ovens and we knew we could get pizza/flatbread as an option.

Ovens at Via Napoli

Lunch was great. Our waiter, who insisted it was only his second week, was great.
The food was tasty too.

While at lunch Disney updated park hours for the day. All other parks were still closing early, but Epcot would now be open until 7 pm.
Hmmmm. We had planned to cut out between 2 and 3 and spend a relaxed afternoon/evening at the hotel.
After some discussion, we choose to stick to our original plan.
We weren't worried about the storm, but why not relax? We have had some really productive days already and a lazy afternoon/evening would be nice.

After one last Fastpass, we left the park and headed to the room.

Assorted things wrapped up in plastic wrap in preparations for the storm.

We spent the afternoon watching the Weather Channel and resting.
Our young lady and I wandered around inside the resort to see what people were up to. We stopped into the store and Bakery and picked up a couple of things to round out the food we already had for dinner.

art gallery with sandbags

Additional resort offerings for the storm

Added fun around the Boardwalk.

After dinner in the room, we watched some shows and played a few rounds of the Clue card game we keep in the suitcase.
The afternoon brought some rain and wind, but nothing too much beyond what we had already seen over the course of our trip.

I took the picture the same place several times over the course of the evening.

Refreshing on the ins and outs of our Travel Clue game... not sure if we look tired or bored ;)
Disney had announced regular park hours tomorrow. No early entry, but everything would be opening on time.

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