Friday, March 24, 2017

Anniversary Trip - Day 8

Headed Home

Today is bittersweet. There is still fun to be had, but it ends with us leaving :(

We spent the morning getting all packed up. And took until 11 am (checkout time) to finish up.
We still had money on our arcade card, so we hit it one last time.

Then we drove to Epcot for the last fastpass we had pre scheduled.
Frozen, Ever After.

I still hadn't had my traditional Epcot treat of Schoolbread in Norway. So I grabbed one and the rest of the clan ran back to Mexico to ride 3 Cab, one more time.

Then we walked World Showcase. Landing in France to stand in the longest line for food of the trip. Hubby and I got lunch items and the kids got more snacky things.

Now the kids need real food... so we went to Sunshine Seasons at the land and got them lunch.
Our last ride of the day is Spaceship Earth and now we leave.

Sadness has fallen on the land :(
But we managed.
Our flight was mostly uneventful. Some good turbulence along the way and a few too many trips to the restroom for someone sitting by the window.. we won't name names.

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