Monday, September 10, 2018

Europe - Day 14 (Transatlantic Day 1)

Portland England

Oh man 7:15 am is an early tour departure time. Today we head to Stonehenge, along with about 500 of our other cruise passengers. We were on bus 5 of at least 11. It was busy. But with a two hour drive to and from.... it was an odd mix of sitting and then crowds.

Just some of the buses for our Stonehenge tour

Our floating home away from home

Our tour guide was great... apparently he has retired a few times, but keeps coming back. He clearly knows his stuff and shared it all with ease - it didn't feel memorized.

Great clock along the way

love the weathervanes around here
The drive was lovely and it went as fast as two hours can. We had two hours at the site. I think we split that time between the stones and the shop/cafe. With a bit of left for the mini museum. But the audio guides they give you have soo much info, its hard to get it all.

Sheep around the stones

pulling the stones.... or not

The return drive had less narration and more napping (shhhh, it wasn't just us).

Sights on the way back to the ship

At the ship we were greeted by the local rock choir... a huge group of adults singing pop songs. That was fun.
We had a snack at the stones, but wanted something more substantial (I know it's 3 pm... we have a problem) so we popped up to deck 9 for something quick. Oops. Apparently the other 500 people from the stones had the same idea. But we found the short lines, pizza and Shawarma (turns out it's tasty).
And we choose to take it back to the room to have a quieter space. Departure was the most exciting we have experienced so far... with cannon fire and all. A local group rolled out a historic cannon to send us off. LOUD.. is really what I have to say about that.

Bye Portland

With our young lady at the clubs the rest of us just enjoyed a lazy afternoon. Hubby and I window shopped - lots in the ship shops that looks cool, but I can't seem to commit. The adventous ones (if you follow us you know that's Hubby and our young lady) went to the family variety show of the percussion group from UK, known as JunNk. The preview I saw of them a few days ago was funny and showed they had skill. They also went to the evening show (not necessarily in that order). The young man and I explored the ship, found some fun artwork and stayed away long enough for our room to be turned down - our stateroom host has amazing timing so far.

Towel animal of the day!

fun art around the ship... with fun facts

Dinner is at Rapunzel's Royal Table, formerly Carioca's, formerly Parrot Cay. We haven't been on this ship for a handful of years... specifically we missed all the Carioca years. And Tangled is quite possibly my favorite Disney Princess movie... yeah.. it is my Favorite. I was thrilled with the transformation. We had heard only good things about the change and it's all true. Complete with the delightful cast of characters.
We were seated at our table set for 8 and wondered... table mates? But nope. Our server told us that it would be just the four of us for the rest of the cruise.... some of us were sad at that information, some were pleased.

Dinner and the entertainment were great. We ate... I got full for perhaps the first time in... I can't remember the last time I was uncomfortably full. White Chocolate Bread Pudding... that is all I am going to say.
After dinner hubby started a load of laundry... so good to us. Our young lady returned to her friends at the club and the young man and I retired to some tv for the evening.
We all stayed up a bit later this evening... more time for food to digest. And tomorrow isn't quite so insanely early.

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