Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Europe - Day 9


Today was our full day at the Paris Disney Parks. After another great breakfast at the club level lounge, we attempted to get to rope drop at the Studio Park (Parc Walt Disney Studios).

We were a little late, but still plenty of time to enjoy the early entry for resort guests. Our first ride was Crush's Coaster, for some reason this doesn't have fastpasses, so get in line early or commit to at least an hour wait. We were able to get on in less than 20 mins... not too shabby.

We chased that with Ratatouille. which we got fast passes for but still used the standby line, since it was short and we were pretty sure we would want to go twice.

Both rides are currently only here in Paris and both are outstanding (personal opinion - my kids and hubby may not agree).

After that we hit a Cars themed ride, the name escapes me, and then half the group went back to Crush and the other back to Ratatouille.
We met up after and tried to get FastPasses for Tower or Terror so hubby could go. It didn't work out quite yet. But he and our son decided to try the Parachute Drop ride. So our young lady and I shopped a bit, then got in line for the Marvel show. The boys were able to catch up with us in line and we eventually got into the theater to see the show.

We had a few comical errors in our mid-day planning.. the kids and I wanted to go to the other park and ride the train, while Hubby rode a ride. But we didn't have our park tickets. He came after us, but didn't know we popped into a store before we left the first park. So he is waiting for us outside the second park and we are thinking he is on a ride, so we found shade inside the first park to wait for him. Ah, thank goodness for cell phones.
We found each other... and our first plan, to ride the train, didn't work. Technical difficulties. So we found some other rides to keep us busy and hoped that the train would re-open before our day was over. (Side note: our room comes with a daily fastpass. One ride - any fastpass ride is open but not between the hours of 1 and 4... that 3 hour window, we forgot about today. Ugh.)
Anyway, we had a few other false starts, but caught our stride again at 4. And the Train was back too! Hurrah!

The girls decided we would rather have tea at the club than ride the train, so we came back to the room for tea and some shopping. The boys waited for the train and enjoyed a ride around the park.
The rest of the day was mellow in the room. With the girls finishing up our shopping budget and another great meal from Earl of Sandwich in the Village.
Now for some laundry and bed.

And the last pic from the park.....

Au revoir

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